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Frequently asked questions

Orders and Shipping

How was my package shipped?
We ship via various trusted carriers, depending on your location and available options. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with details of the carrier used and a tracking number. You can use this number to track your parcel through to delivery. If you have any special shipping preferences or would like specific information about the carrier used for your order, please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
How do I know if my parcel has been shipped?
Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing a tracking number. You can use this number to track your parcel until it is delivered.
How long will it take for my parcel to be delivered?
Delivery time depends on a number of factors, including your location and the shipping method you choose when placing your order. In general, once your order has been shipped, you can expect your package to arrive within 3-5 business days for domestic deliveries. Please note that delays may occur due to circumstances beyond our control, such as adverse weather conditions or logistical delays. For specific information on the delivery time of your order, please refer to your shipping confirmation e-mail, which contains a tracking number to follow the progress of your package. If you have any concerns about the delivery of your package, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department and we will be happy to help you track your order.
Why does my tracking number indicate delivery in 1, 2 or 3 days?
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Feedback and Reduction

Why can't some products be shipped internationally?
The availability of products for international shipment depends on various factors, including customs regulations and restrictions in force in the destination country. Some cosmetic products may contain ingredients or materials that are subject to import restrictions in certain countries. Therefore, in order to comply with import and product safety laws and regulations, we may not be able to ship certain items internationally. We endeavour to provide as much information as possible on the availability of products for international shipment on our website.
What is your returns and refund policy?
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase from Afrotouch-Kosmetics. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us within 30 days of receiving your package to arrange a return or refund.
How can I contact customer service?
Our customer service team is here to help! You can contact us by e-mail at contact@afrotouch-kosmetics.fr or by telephone on (+33) 09 55 32 79 52. We're available to answer all your questions from Monday to Saturday, 09:00 to 21:00.
How can I get a discount on our products?
We regularly offer special deals, promotions and discounts on our products to enable our customers to benefit from advantageous rates. To keep up to date with our latest offers, we encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social networks, where we regularly announce our exclusive promotions. What's more, loyal customers can also take advantage of loyalty or rewards programs that offer additional benefits such as discounts on future purchases.
Is delivery free?
We offer various delivery options, including standard and express delivery, each with its own associated costs. However, we sometimes offer free delivery on certain orders, depending on current promotions or specific conditions defined by our store. To find out if your order is eligible for free delivery, please check the details of the current promotion on our website, or contact our customer service department for specific information on current offers. We strive to provide our customers with flexible and affordable delivery options to make their shopping experience as convenient as possible.
How can I pay in 3 or 4 instalments with Lystes.com x Floa?
To benefit from 3- or 4-installment payment with Lystes.com x Floa, simply select this option during the checkout process on our website. Once you've added the products to your shopping cart and are ready to checkout, you'll see the option to pay in installments offered by Floa. Simply follow the instructions provided to finalize your order and choose the instalment facility. You will then be redirected to Floa's secure payment platform, where you can provide the necessary information and select the payment plan that suits you best. Please note that this payment option is subject to Floa approval and certain conditions, and that fees may apply.